Chi O Cravings 2023 🍩

By Juliette Arellano

Hey there!

"Chi O Cravings" is an exciting Fall event hosted by the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Chi Omega! This amazing gathering satisfies our dessert cravings and supports the Make-A-Wish Foundation. By selling tickets, we invite everyone – friends, family, and the whole community of Norman – to come and enjoy these sweet delights while helping an amazing cause. Our awesome Chi O Cravings chair, Kori Risser, explains why this event is so special to her and takes you behind the scenes of planning this major occasion in our chapter.

“Chi O Cravings has always been one of my favorite events since my freshman year! It has always reminded me of fall time and I love the sweets! Also being able to celebrate and advocate for Make-A-Wish has always been a passion of mine. Service work has been a great value to me since I was in elementary school and it has been the easiest decision to continue that into my college career. Which is why I was so excited to be chair of Chi O Cravings this year. Through planning and hosting the event I learned so many new things about MAW and our amazing chapter. I was able to connect with girls from all PCs and give MAW the honor and thoughtfulness the philanthropy deserves.

Planning this event was so fun! From designing colorful t-shirts to planning the sprinkled-themed event, I enjoyed every step of the way. My favorite memory from the event was the decorating competition. This year my awesome team and I, Avery Tarbet and Camille Sears, created a new competition at the event where we had a representative from sororities and fraternities decorate a blank cake. It was so fun and inspiring to see members from different sororities and fraternities come together to promote such a great cause. I loved seeing everyone enjoy themselves and will forever cherish this special event. As the incoming philanthropy director, I can’t wait to plan and celebrate this special philanthropy to all of our members’ hearts in Chi Omega.”

- Kori Risser PC 21’

“Chi O Cravings” is a cherished event that we eagerly look forward to every year. It's a time when we come together as sisters to enjoy delicious treats and support a meaningful cause. This event strengthens our bond as the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Chi Omega. It reminds us of the power of unity, sisterhood, and giving back. The memories created during this event will always hold a special place in our hearts, reminding us of the happiness, love, and friendship that Chi Omega brings into our lives!


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